January 18, 2025

Writers Ball

Philosophy & Fun

#IfNudesWereCurrency, who would be the richest?

2 min read

Oh the things that Twitterverse comes up with! This weekend, an interesting trend covered the Twitter world — one that speculated about uncovering oneself as a system for barter! Users from across the world joined in to comment on how it would benefit, um, not the world economy, but individuals. It was all in good humour.

For starters, imagine how it would bring up Kim Kardashian West’s net worth over Jeff Bezos! Twitter user @rayyanasyraff wrote:#IfNudesWereCurrency Kim Kardashian would have had a higher net worth than jeff bezos (sic). That wasn’t the only one. Another user, @Xclution_Alpha also took a jibe at the Keeping up with the Kardashians star, with the tweet #IfNudesWereCurrency Kim Kardashian will be the Federal Reserve of Nudes Chairman.

A number of users joked about celebrities known to give fans more than just a sneak peak of their hot bods – those who would be richer than they are, #ifnudeswerecurrency. The list included not just the Kardashians, but the likes of Cardi B and Nicki Minaj.


Of course, the list of world’s highest net worth individuals would also be considerably different from what it is now. Those on the list would be looking at ways to bump up their fortunes!


Other users lamented they would be broke but some indulged in witty word-play using the trend. @oextreme347 posted: #IfNudesWereCurrency I’d be living on the streets. Thumbs up for the honesty, pal.
Joining the trend, another Twitter user, @Bill___Smith posted: Standing naked at the register. Oh sorry I forgot my wallet #IfNudesWereCurrency. Another user going by the name Q (@2phat2phish) posted: I be banker and not a wanker …


The #IfNudesWereCurrency trends joins the list of many more viral ones that had people coming up with innovative posts and videos. Think #KikiChallenge or #InMyFeelings, taking inspiration from the track by Drake, the #HarlemShake, #KylieJennerLips and even notorious ones like the #BlueWhale challenge.
As for talking of Nudes being currency, one of the most popular pornographic websites had the last laugh… Indeed!

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